We can’t ignore Muslims anymore. While millions of followers of Islam are becoming our neighbors in North America and Europe, Christians feel confused and helpless about Islam and about how to effectively communicate with Muslims. A telling survey conducted in 2002 by the Ethics and Public Policy Center and Beliefnet discovered that 77 % of evangelicals have an unfavorable view of Islam, and yet 97% deem it ‘very important’ or ‘somewhat important’ to evagelize US Muslims!
“A fresh perspective is needed in order to see Muslims through the eyes of Jesus instead of CNN.”

Too often fear prevents believers from taking the initiative to get to know Muslims, or even in engaging in light conversation. I have to ask: what’s so frightening about talking to Muslims?
The journey starts when one Christian decides to meet Muslims where they are: across the street, next door, in the supermarket checkout line, at the mall, on the running trail, at the gas station. Where you are, Muslims are there too. Right now is the time to start capitalizing on the smallest of opportunities to intentionally engage with Muslims, to begin conversations with them as you would conversations with anyone else. It happens over a cup of coffee, or with an invitation to a meal, or with a smile and a compliment at the cash register. Now is the time to begin inviting Muslims into our homes and lives so that they, too, may have the same hope and assurance that we Christians have.
This post is an excerpt from Connecting with Muslims. See our resource page for more info!