Listen to the Stories of Believers in the Middle East

A new statement issued by an esteemed group of Middle Eastern Evangelical leaders across theological traditions from Baptist to Presbyterian, Alliance, Nazarene, Church of God and non-denominational from Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine calls on the Global church to “together create a spiritual future where the Middle East is seen not through the lens of its conflicts but as a model of an enduring Christ-honoring Church.” To do so, they implore the church to “engage with us, listen to our stories, and together acknowledge the power of unity and the gospel to transform our broken and divided region.”

I encourage digesting the full statement here and taking advantage of the invitation, to visit, listen and join the indigenous church on mission. There is a webinar coming soon that would be a great first step. I am also available to facilitate connections, please reach out!

This is a compelling call to remember the church’s primary “allegiance is to the gospel, untainted by political affiliations, and grounded in the love of Christ through peacemaking (Matthew 5:9; Psalms 34:14).”

And the invitation…

“We extend a sincere invitation to our brothers and sisters across the globe to join us in a mission that transcends any ethnic, political, or theological divides. Please come and stand alongside us and join what God is doing in our midst. Come and witness the power of the gospel alive in the Middle East. Participate in bridging divides, in initiatives that heal wounds, and in partnerships that extend the Kingdom of God. Our mission fields are ripe with opportunities for those who seek to serve alongside us and to learn from the enduring strength and faith of our churches. Let us together create a spiritual future where the Middle East is seen not through the lens of its conflicts but as a model of an enduring Christ-honoring Church. Today is the day of opportunity to advance the Great Commission in one of the most historically significant places on earth. Together we can write the next chapter of God’s story in our region—one that honors our one true faith and looks forward to a future filled with hope and peace. Together, we can demonstrate to our fractured world the power of our Christian unity. Together, we can shape the Middle East into a vibrant epicenter of outreach. This is our invitation. Please come be part of this living history.”

The webinar you can sign up for is on on September 18, 2024, at 12PM EST. See here for details:

This post first appeared as “An Appeal from Middle East Evangelical Leader” which was posted on The Outer Court Substack on August 22, 2024.

About Scott Gustafson

Scott Gustafson has extensive experience in the Middle East as a practitioner and consultant with faith-based charities and churches in humanitarian relief and mission work. He earned his PhD in Religion and Theology from the Vrije Universteit and researched the religious conversion phenomenon among former Muslim refugees in the Levant and the de-radicalization of some violent extremists among them. He is a member of the Extreme Beliefs/Strong Religion working group at the VU, funded by the European Research Council and is the Ambassador Warren Clark Fellow at Churches for Middle East Peace. He earned an MA in Intercultural Studies/Middle East Studies from Moody Graduate School, and a BA in Nursing and Biology from Western Michigan University. He studied Arabic at the University of Jordan and holds a certification through the Cultural Intelligence Centre as a CQ Certified Facilitator. Scott advises large funding agencies as well as indigenous organizations in the Middle East and is an advocate for peace. He speaks to groups about mission, Islam, the Middle East and countering extremism and radicalization. He also helps run a non-profit cycling team. Scott and his wife have 2 children and they live in Grand Rapids, MI. Follow his Substack.